Brownies your Eyes, Tummies, and Taste-buds will LOVE

Are you a sweet tooth, or a chocolate lover that wants to enjoy your favourite snacks without having to fret over the implications for your health? We’ve got you covered with these delicious, fudgy, ... Continue Reading

Multifocal Contact Lenses

As you get older, you’ve probably noticed that close-up objects are starting to appear blurry. This is a sign of presbyopia, a frustrating yet natural condition that begins to affect most people as they ... Continue Reading

Diabetes and Eye Health

Diabetic Retinopathy Diabetes is a complex chronic health condition characterised by high blood glucose levels. Overtime diabetes can affect your eyes as a result of changes to blood vessels and blood supply. Every person ... Continue Reading

Burrito Bowl for Cataract Prevention

We’ve all heard the old wives’ tale that carrots are good for your eyes, in fact according to a study conducted in 2020, 31% of Australians believe it. Whilst beta-carotene is beneficial for your ... Continue Reading
Rowena beckenham eye appointments f

March is Glaucoma Awareness Month!

  What is Glaucoma? Glaucoma is a term used to describe a collection of diseases where damage to the optic nerve causes irreversible loss of sight. It is usually caused by an increase in ... Continue Reading

Vision Concerns in Children

Kids have been back at school for a few weeks now, so they may be starting to notice some issues with their eyes that aren’t as present during the holidays. Back at school they ... Continue Reading

Summer Smoothie Bowl for Retinal Health

We are all aware of how crucial good nutrition is for our overall health and well-being, but did you know a balanced diet is also necessary for eye health! Different micronutrients and antioxidants play ... Continue Reading

Eyelid contact dermatitis

Eyelid contact dermatitis is an inflammatory reaction involving the eyelid skin that is caused by contact with a trigger substance. It may be a result of irritation (irritant contact dermatitis) or allergies (allergic contact dermatitis). Signs ... Continue Reading

6 Tips for Maintaining Good Eyesight

How Do I Maintain Healthy Vision? Maintaining healthy vision is more than having a regular eye examination. Your overall health can impact your eye health. Here are 6 tips for maintaining good eyesight. Eat ... Continue Reading

Common Vision Problems in Children

Early detection is the key The most common vision problems experienced by school-aged children are those affecting the ability to see clearly and sharply. They include: shortsightedness (blurred distance vision); longsightedness (difficulty focusing up ... Continue Reading