Reduce Eye Strain with 20-20-20 Rule

You can help alleviate eye strain with this simple 20-20-20 strategy: Every 20 minutes look 20 feet away and blink 20 times. This easy to remember message has an imperial based system of measurement but that “20 feet” component is easy to translate to 6 meters.

We break it down as follows:

20 minutes
Every 20 minutes give your eyes a break, look away from your screen and blink to moisten your eyes.

20 feet
Look at an object 20 feet (6 metres) away. And hey, why not stand up and stretch your body at the same time?

20 blinks
Take your eyes off your screen and blink 20 times. Blinking is essential for spreading moisture across the surface of our eyes so that they get the nourishment they need.

Talk to one of our optometrists about digital eyewear

Did you know that approximately 65% of digital users experience physical discomfort after spending 2+ hours in front of a digital screen?^ The latest in eyewear technology now offers lenses specifically designed to alleviate digital eye strain. Book an appoitnment today to explore how personalised digital lenses can ease the strain on your eyes.