Children’s Eye Health Month

In the first 12 years of a child’s life, vision is responsible for 80% of their learning! Without proper eye tests before school, children will just assume their vision is correct. Get involved in Children’s Eye Health Month and give your child the best start by booking them in for an eye test today!
Now is the time to see how your children’s eyes are, to help detect any signs or irritation or issues we have complied a list of questions you can be asking yourself.
Spotting Eye Problems
Signs that a child may have vision problems may include:
- constant eye rubbing
- extreme light sensitivity
- poor focusing and visual tracking of objects
- abnormal alignment or usual movement of the eyes (after 6 months of age)
- chronic redness of the eyes
- chronic tearing of the eyes
In school-age children, other signs to watch for include:
- being unable to see objects at a distance
- having trouble reading the blackboard
- squinting
- difficulty reading
- sitting too close to the TV or digital screens
While this list is designed to help you spot any abnormal issues with eye health, the best way to detect any health problems is to come in for an eye examination. However, If you notice any eye problems, have your child examined right away so that the problem doesn’t become permanent, if caught early, eye conditions often can be corrected and treated.
Children’s glasses and contact lenses
Our great team of staff can advise on the glasses for your child’s eye condition. They can also advise on glasses and goggles for sports, and whether they might be suited to wearing contact lenses.
At Beckenham Optometrist, we Bulk Bill all children and student consultations. Dedicated to improving and maintaining the health of all eyes make sure your child’s eyes have the best opportunity to be healthy and thrive. See Better, See Us!